The Debate That Changed My Life

What To Do If Injured While Riding As A Motorcycle Passenger

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If you were injured as a motorcycle passenger, you could have a viable claim for a personal injury lawsuit (contact a local motorcycle accident attorney in that case). Liability could be on the person driving the motorcycle, another driver involved in causing the accident, or defective equipment. Here is what you need to know about each situation. Accidents Not Involving Other Vehicles Injuries that occur without another vehicle involved will put the blame on the driver of the motorcycle.…

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Using Your Right To Silence While In Custody

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If you have been arrested, you should know that you can invoke your right to silence at any time. This right exists primarily so you can have an effective defense against criminal charges by not incriminating yourself, and so that you can benefit from legal counsel. It Is Part of the Constitution The 5th amendment of the US constitution gives you the right to remain silent, and the 6th amendment gives you the right to have a lawyer present during questioning.…

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When Will My Partner Receive Benefits When I Die?

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When planning for what might happen if you pass away, you might be concerned about whether you have enough saved to make sure that your family will be taken care of. Your social security benefits that you have paid into your whole life may go to your surviving spouse, but only after he or she has reached a certain age. However, there are some exceptions. Knowing when your spouse will receive your social security benefits will help you plan for after your life.…

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