While many people see bankruptcy as a way of getting out of debt, not all debts are eligible for bankruptcy. In order to figure out if bankruptcy is right for you, you need to understand if the type of debt you have can be included in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Mortgage Payments
You should try to catch up on your mortgage payments before filing for bankruptcy. Your mortgage payment is an ongoing expense, so if you stop making them, you’ll lose your home.…
Filing for bankruptcy is never an easy decision. However, because you aren’t familiar with the process and want to ensure you are successful in rebuilding your financial future, you have decided to hire a bankruptcy attorney. Finding the right attorney for you is a good first step, and you will need to schedule an initial consultation to determine the next steps in filing bankruptcy. Here are a few things you can expect to occur during this initial consultation with a bankruptcy attorney.…
Filing for bankruptcy is a big event that requires serious thought and consideration. It also requires some work, as you must file a lot of documents for your case. If you decide to use bankruptcy, you might wonder what to expect during your case. What is life going to be like during it? It is important to know these things before you file, as knowing what life is like during your case will help you prepare for it and manage it.…