The Debate That Changed My Life

How To Get A Divorce When A Child Is Involved

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A divorce can be one of the most difficult time periods for you, your spouse and any children that the two of you share together. With this said, children also can pick up on it if two parents are sticking together simply for them, and inadvertently creating a toxic household. If divorce is the best decision to be made, you need to be sure that you are doing it in a way that protects your child and empowers both parents to remain an equal part of the child’s life.…

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Summer Vacation During A Divorce: Tips For Parents

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Summer is here and in many households, it’s time to go on vacation. For divorcing parents thinking about going away with a child, travel can get tricky. Divorces are emotionally charged, legally sticky situations that can complicate vacation plans. If you’re in the midst of a divorce and wish to take your child on vacation, it’s important to proceed carefully. The following tips will help. Stay Organized Getting packed for a vacation while in the midst of a divorce can be a logistical challenge.…

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Denied Veterans Affairs Disability? Get A Professional On Your Side

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After filing a disability claim to the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability system, many veterans receive either a denial letter or a request for more information that can be confusing. Although such claims are expected from injured veterans after leaving the military, it takes a strong set of documented evidence and proper claims-filing experience to be successful–a difficult task for a career that often starts directly after high school or college, and often in a career having nothing to do with legal procedures or VA administration.…

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