The Debate That Changed My Life

Bitten By A Loose Dog? Follow These Steps

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If you are out and about – such as taking a walk around the neighborhood – then the last thing that you should have to worry about is getting bitten by someone else’s loose dog. However, if this does happen, you are going to need to seek medical attention and potentially hire a personal injury lawyer to help you ensure that your costs are covered. It will be important to identify the owner of the dog, but this can be tricky if the dog is loose when you are bitten.…

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Factors That Determine Whether You Can Keep Two Cars During Bankruptcy

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Keeping a car during bankruptcy is possible. Keeping two cars is also possible but harder than keeping one motor vehicle. Here are three factors that play a part in determining whether you can keep both vehicles: The Amount of Equity on Your Car Normally, motor vehicle exemption protects a certain amount of car equity from your trustee’s hands. Your car’s equity is the difference between its worth and what you still owe on it.…

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4 Signs It Is Time for a Divorce

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If you have been thinking about divorce for a while but haven’t quite made the decision, it can be hard knowing when it is time. There are some signs that might indicate now is the right time to see a lawyer and file for divorce, including the following. You Don’t Get Emotional about the Thought of Divorce You might have noticed that when you used to think about divorcing your spouse, you went through a series of emotions.…

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