The Debate That Changed My Life

3 Facts You Should Know About Financial Aid For Adopting From Foster Care As A Single Parent

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If you are not married and are now financially, emotionally and physically ready to become an adoptive parent to an eligible child currently in foster care, you are in luck. In recent years, the numbers of single men and women who have chosen to become parents through adoption has grown dramatically. Excluding the adoption of special needs kids, about 5% of the adoptions that occur in the United States each year are accessed by single individuals.…

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Arrested For DUI? 3 Legal Rights You'll Want To Make Sure You Enforce On Your Behalf

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When you are arrested on the suspicion of drinking and driving, your legal rights will become very important to you. No matter what state in the U.S. You live in, you are protected by certain rights thanks to the United States Constitution. If you are being accused of a DUI, here are three constitutional amendments that you need to be aware of to protect yourself as best as you can until you can speak to legal counsel:…

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Important Things You Need To Do When You've Been Involved In A Car Accident

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When you are involved in a car accident everything instantly becomes chaos as you try to figure out exactly what just happened. There are some important things that you need to do in order to protect yourself and make sure you have all the bases covered after the accident for insurance or any potential legal case. Here is a list of things that you need to do when you’ve been involved in an accident.…

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