The Debate That Changed My Life

Getting Divorced? Know About These Tax Issues You'll Need To Address

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The messy part of divorce is dealing with changes in your financial situation. In addition to dividing assets, there will be changes to your taxes as well. Know about these tax issues you will need to address during a divorce. Your Tax Filing Status You may be going through a divorce, but there are still benefits to filing taxes as a married couple. If you are married to your spouse on the last day of the calendar year, you are still allowed to file a joint tax return for that calendar year.…

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Overcoming Qualified Immunity In Personal Injury Lawsuits Against The Police

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Police officers do a very dangerous job and have to make difficult decisions about taking action, including physical violence, against other human beings all the time. Most of the time, the police are within their rights to act and are protected from lawsuits even if they make a mistake—but not always. If you were injured by police officers acting under the color of their authority, you need to know when they have immunity from lawsuits and when they don’t.…

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Steps To Avoid An Arrest On Loitering With Intent To Commit A Crime

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Specific actions are usually required to arrest and charge someone with a criminal offense. These actions do not always refer to the actual commission of a crime. Intent to commit an offense may lead to charges. In certain jurisdictions, merely being present and acting suspiciously may be a crime. In the state of New Jersey, for example, loitering to commit prostitution or the intent to purchase drugs are disorderly persons (misdemeanor) offenses.…

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