The Debate That Changed My Life

Would Failing To Properly Administer Birth Control Be Classified As Wrongful Life Or Medical Malpractice?

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An article on the Newser website details an unfortunate situation where a woman was given a flu shot rather than her normal birth control medication and became pregnant as a result. While the article states the woman has filed a wrongful life lawsuit against the health clinic that made the mistake, this type of error may be better litigated as a general medical malpractice. Here’s more information about these two legal theories to help you understand why.…

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Urban Agriculture: What You Need To Know About Raising Honey Bees

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Urban agriculture is becoming more and more popular these days. For some, this may come in the form of rooftop gardens. For others, it may come in the form of a hipster hen house. For those who enjoy fresh and organic honey, beekeeping may come into play. Read on to learn more about hipster beekeeping and the effect local and state laws may have on your fun. Are Bees Dangerous Animals?…

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What Must Be Proven To Charge A Person With Burglary?

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When a person commits burglary, he enters a home or other building illegally with the intent to commit a crime. Being charged with a burglary is considered a felony and remains on a person’s permanent record. To charge a person with burglary, there are different factors that must be proven. This involves providing evidence to show that each aspect of a burglary occurred and convincing the court system that it happened.…

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