The Debate That Changed My Life

3 Key Reasons To Hire An SSI Attorney

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If you’re disabled and can’t pay for your food and other living expenses, you can apply for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. If you’re approved, the Social Security Administration will give you a monthly check to help cover your basic needs. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies for an SSI is approved. Your application could be denied if the SSA thinks you have too much income or assets. An SSI attorney can help you appeal a denial and get the benefits your family deserves.…

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An Ignored Traffic Violation Can Turn Into A Major Situation

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In terms of the severity of a legal charge, a traffic ticket often rests at the bottom of the scale. Typically, with a traffic ticket, you can pay the fine or make an appearance in court, and the matter is settled. On the contrary, if you ignore a ticket, this minor issue can turn into a major problem.  Failure To Pay If an officer issues you a violation, you have a couple of ways to handle the matter.…

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Do Not Stay In Jail: Contact A Bail Bond Professional

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After an arrest for a seemingly minor crime, it can seem that contacting a bail bond company is not necessary. After all, for a minor charge, you should be out of jail quickly, right? Unfortunately, the answer is not always yes. It does not matter the charge, if you are sent to jail and you decide to stay in jail instead of contacting a bail bond company, the outcome might not be entirely pleasant for you.…

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