If you’ve found yourself in trouble on the wrong side of the law, one of the first things that anyone would advise you to do is to hire an attorney. While a good defense attorney can be your best friend when it comes to getting out of criminal trouble and assisting you with winning your case, it will come at a fairly large financial cost. If you need to hire a criminal defense attorney quickly, here are just a few ideas as to how you can pay for their services.…
More people are using social media sites to voice their displeasure about their employers. In some instances, employers have seen those messages and taken action against the employees. Whether or not that is legal is debatable and depends largely on the nature of the comments made. If you are worried that your online comments could result in termination, here is what you need to know.
What Type of Comments Could Lead to Termination?…
If you’ve been unable to work at your job because of a medical condition, you may have already filed for Social Security Disability. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has very strict guidelines for qualifying for benefits, particularly when it comes to proving how your medical condition prevents you from doing your job. If you have been asked by the SSA to undergo a special type of medical examination, called the consultative medical exam (CME), it is in your best interest to have a good understanding of why you are being asked to have the exam and what it could mean for your claim.…
The messy part of divorce is dealing with changes in your financial situation. In addition to dividing assets, there will be changes to your taxes as well. Know about these tax issues you will need to address during a divorce.
Your Tax Filing Status
You may be going through a divorce, but there are still benefits to filing taxes as a married couple. If you are married to your spouse on the last day of the calendar year, you are still allowed to file a joint tax return for that calendar year.…
Police officers do a very dangerous job and have to make difficult decisions about taking action, including physical violence, against other human beings all the time. Most of the time, the police are within their rights to act and are protected from lawsuits even if they make a mistake—but not always. If you were injured by police officers acting under the color of their authority, you need to know when they have immunity from lawsuits and when they don’t.…
Specific actions are usually required to arrest and charge someone with a criminal offense. These actions do not always refer to the actual commission of a crime. Intent to commit an offense may lead to charges. In certain jurisdictions, merely being present and acting suspiciously may be a crime. In the state of New Jersey, for example, loitering to commit prostitution or the intent to purchase drugs are disorderly persons (misdemeanor) offenses.…
One of the most damning charges that a person can be convicted of is a driving under the influence (DUI) charge. These charges have financial, criminal and social ramifications that can be difficult to come back from without the right information. Aside from the obvious choice of never drinking and driving, your best course of action to take once this mistake has already been made is to hire the help of a credible DUI lawyer.…
When investors are looking for additional alternative investments to add to their estate, crowdfunding may come to mind. Accredited and non-accredited crowdfunding platforms are two examples of passive income streams that are taking shape in the realm of personal finance. Crowdfunding is quickly growing in popularity for art investors, small technology start-ups, and more. If you are a high net worth investor who is interested in crowdfunding to balance your estate, you need to make sure your money is safeguarded.…
Finding out that your dog has bitten someone can be an extremely frightening experience, especially when you consider the possible consequences. In many cases, your dog biting someone can lead to a lawsuit against you and the chance that your family’s pet will be put down for being dangerous. Listed below are two ways that a dog bite attorney can help you after your dog has bitten someone.
Assumption Of Risk…
A divorce can be one of the most difficult time periods for you, your spouse and any children that the two of you share together. With this said, children also can pick up on it if two parents are sticking together simply for them, and inadvertently creating a toxic household. If divorce is the best decision to be made, you need to be sure that you are doing it in a way that protects your child and empowers both parents to remain an equal part of the child’s life.…