To determine if bankruptcy would help your financial situation, you should meet with a bankruptcy lawyer. During this visit, he or she can evaluate your case to tell you if this is a good idea or not. The lawyer will also tell you the pros and cons of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and he or she will help you understand the three main steps of filing for Chapter 7.…
There are an almost countless number of steps that you must do as you work your way through the process of buying a house. In particular, there are some important steps that must be taken to protect yourself against some of the legal liabilities that can accompany this investment.
Have The Financial History Of Potential Properties Researched
Prior to committing to a particular property, you should have the financial history of it thoroughly researched by your attorney.…
Finding out that your dog has bitten someone can be an extremely frightening experience, especially when you consider the possible consequences. In many cases, your dog biting someone can lead to a lawsuit against you and the chance that your family’s pet will be put down for being dangerous. Listed below are two ways that a dog bite attorney can help you after your dog has bitten someone.
Assumption Of Risk…
An article on the Newser website details an unfortunate situation where a woman was given a flu shot rather than her normal birth control medication and became pregnant as a result. While the article states the woman has filed a wrongful life lawsuit against the health clinic that made the mistake, this type of error may be better litigated as a general medical malpractice. Here’s more information about these two legal theories to help you understand why.…
When a person commits burglary, he enters a home or other building illegally with the intent to commit a crime. Being charged with a burglary is considered a felony and remains on a person’s permanent record. To charge a person with burglary, there are different factors that must be proven. This involves providing evidence to show that each aspect of a burglary occurred and convincing the court system that it happened.…
Sexual harassment is most commonly associated with unwanted touching or sexual advances by a superior. However, there are numerous other behaviors that can be considered harassment under the law. Once you have understanding of how this is viewed in the legal world, you will be able to identify it and work towards a resolution fast.
What Can Be Considered Harassment?
According to the Washington State Human Rights Commission, the following can constitute sexual harassment under the law:…
If you have recently been arrested for a crime, you may feel that there is no hope and you’ll just need to plead guilty in order to just “get things over-with.” And while facing the prospect of being convicted of a crime is frightening, you don’t have to go through it alone. You should retain a criminal defense attorney in order to work with the prosecutor and perhaps come up with an agreeable plea bargain.…
The worker’s compensation system is designed to compensate injured workers without clogging up the court system with lawsuits by employees. Most employers are required to purchase worker’s compensation insurance and most employee injuries are covered by the system. Some crucial exceptions exist, however, and this article looks at situations where worker’s compensation coverage does not apply.
Workers in certain jobs do not qualify for state-sponsored worker’s compensation programs. Federal workers have their own system, which is overseen by the federal government.…