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3 Facts You Should Know About Financial Aid For Adopting From Foster Care As A Single Parent

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If you are not married and are now financially, emotionally and physically ready to become an adoptive parent to an eligible child currently in foster care, you are in luck. In recent years, the numbers of single men and women who have chosen to become parents through adoption has grown dramatically. Excluding the adoption of special needs kids, about 5% of the adoptions that occur in the United States each year are accessed by single individuals. Therefore, it is crucial to become aware of the pertinent information and various forms of financial aid that could impact your decision to adopt from foster care.

#1-Financial Aid For Legal Costs And On-going Expenses May Be Available

One of the most common reasons for people who really want to adopt to not start the process is often financial. Fortunately, adopting a child from foster care is less expensive than private and international adoption, and there is frequently financial aid available for the costs of adding to your family. In some instances, on-going financial aid after the adoption has been finalized may also be available. Special needs kids in the foster care who are adopted are often eligible for that assistance; how or when that money is available will be decided by each state.

#2-College May Be Free For Your Adopted Teen

If you adopt a child who is 13 or older and has been in foster care at any point since their 13th birthday, they are likely to be eligible for financial aid. Specifically, their eligibility will not be based on your income; instead, they will be classified as an independent student. As a result, if you have hesitated to adopt a teenager because you do not feel that you could adequately  provide them with post-secondary education, those expenses are very rarely going to be yours.

#3-Additional Options For Your Newly Adopted Older Teen

If you did not finalize the adoption of your son or daughter until after their 16th birthday, they may be eligible for up to $5,000 a year from the government for vocational or technical training, as well as college classes. The program is known as Education and Training Voucher assistance or ETV. In addition, some colleges and universities provide special programs for adopted teenagers that were in foster care for at least part of their teen years.

In conclusion, as a single adult, you could be in a position to grow your family by adopting through foster care. Given that the majority of states now permit unmarried adults to be considered as adoptive parents, your new son or daughter could be waiting to meet you, and financial aid is readily available to make your adoption dream a reality. Speak with professionals like Jeffrey T Bitzer for more information.
